Artificial Intelligence
in ESL
A DIESOL Offering

The TATTOO Prompt – Prompt Engineering for Language Teachers
Lots of people out there share their “formula” for successful prompting with Chatbots, but nobody has made anything specifically for English Language Learners. So I did. 🎊🎊🤜🏼🤛🏾🎊🎊 I call it the TATTOO prompt, and the goal is to create a chat that can support students with their L1 needs when necessary while still challenging them…
Gamified Conversation Practice with Microsoft Copilot
One of the great potentials of vocal AI for ESL students is the ability to have real conversations while getting feedback whenever they want. By setting up copilot with a prompt that focuses on an interactive conversation, I was able to get it to serve as both a conversation partner as well as a tutor…
I Asked ChatGPT to Plan An Entire Class Term!
Teachers can be assigned to teach any course at any time, and sometimes, the instructor may have little (or no) time to prepare. If the instructor is lucky, there may be materials from a teacher who taught it last, and the course might have an assigned textbook.
Hairy Otter and the Order of Adjectives
The always inspiring Jen Roberts posted recently about how she fed students’ descriptive writing around monsters into Ideogram and then shared the results with the students. I loved this idea and wanted to tweak it a bit to let language learners play with Order of Adjectives. When you’re working with students, this has always led…
Building Prompts for ChatGPT 3.5 vs ChatGPT 4.0
If you’re going to have students interacting with AI chatbots, they’re almost definitely NOT going to be using ChatGPT 4. The costs are too prohibitive for most (though I’d suggest it’s a better investment than textbooks for the semester), and they don’t have institutional accounts at this point. So when you’re building prompts, you are…
Expectations vs. Reality: The Prompt ≠ The Result
I’ve been working a lot on prompts recently that can help students build their language skill with Chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing, Bard, etc. I recently shared what I consider a “Medium-level” prompt on LinkedIn asking users to try it out and tell me what they got. If you’d like to try it out for yourself…
ChatGPT as a Conversation Partner
At the moment, ChatGPT is rolling out a bunch of new features, and one of those is is the ability to hear you and speak with you. In the past, there were ways to talk to GPT with your phone, but now we’re talking about a fully integrated experience. If you’re on a Plus account,…
Deepfaking Multilingualism
There’s no way around it: This is going to freak the “second” out of a lot of English as a Second Language Teachers. If we weren’t already dealing with concern about ChatGPT commandeering students’ writing, here comes AI for their speaking, too. That’s right; for only $3 you can speak – actually speak – English…
Creating Low-Stakes Canvas Quizzes with ChatGPT or other AI
Creating low-stakes multiple choice quizzes using ChatGPT can be an efficient and time-saving way to assess students’ knowledge. With the guidelines provided, you can generate a quiz and upload it to Canvas Quizzes to allow students to take the test and receive instant feedback. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use AI to…
Should we still write?
“I don’t know what I think until I write it down”
-Joan Didion
“My CPU is a Neural-Net processor. A learning computer”
Does the world need teachers?
“Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer should be replaced by a computer.”
-Isaac Asimov
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